Sleeping black and white kitten on a green blanket

YES, Kitty NEEDS A Cat Tower For 5 Important Reasons!

Are you a proud cat parent looking to take your feline’s comfort and entertainment to the next level? Look no further than the majestic cat tower! It’s not just another piece of furniture; it’s a lifestyle upgrade for your family furball.

Below are five important reasons why your cat needs a cat tower!

Black and Gray Multi-level Kitty Tower
Multi-Level Cat Tower (Available at

1. Cat Tower: The Power of the Perch

Picture this: your cat perched atop its tower like a furry monarch surveying its kingdom (also known as your living room). Cats love to observe their surroundings from a high vantage point, making them feel safe and in control.

According to Cat Behavior Associates, vertical space provides a sense of security and reduces stress for our whiskered friends. So, by investing in a cat tower, you’re not just buying furniture; you’re giving your cat the ultimate throne from which to reign over their domain.

2. Exercise in Style

Let’s be honest: most indoor cats lead a tad sedentary life. Enter the cat tower—a multi-level playground encouraging climbing, jumping, and general acrobatics. It’s like a personal gym for your cat, minus the membership fees (and the judgmental stares from gym rats).

PetMD says regular exercise helps keep cats physically fit and mentally stimulated. So, by installing a cat tower, you’re not just pampering your pet; you’re ensuring they stay in “purr-fect” shape.

Large beige and gray cat tower
Midwest Feline Nuvo Tower (Available at

3. Scratching Satisfaction with a Cat Tower

Ever wonder why your cat insists on shredding your favorite armchair? It’s not personal; it’s instinct. Cats scratch to:

  • Maintain their claws.
  • Stretch their muscles and
  • Mark their territory with scent glands in their paws.

A good cat tower offers multiple scratching posts covered in irresistible sisal rope or carpet. This means your cat can stop turning your furniture into a feline-approved scratching post. It’s a win-win for both you and your upholstery!

4. Cat Tower = Catnap Central

Cats are experts in the art of napping—they practically wrote the manual on it! A well-designed cat tower provides cozy perches and plush platforms where your cat can curl up for a snooze. Whether they prefer to bask in the sun by the window or retreat to a private hideaway, a cat tower offers multiple sleeping spots to suit every mood. Imagine your cat blissfully dreaming away, thanks to their deluxe sleeping quarters.

5. Entertainment Extravaganza

From bird-watching through the window to playful pouncing on dangling toys, a cat tower turns your home into a non-stop entertainment zone for your curious kitty. The vertical space encourages exploration and satisfies their natural hunting instincts. Plus, watching your cat perform gravity-defying stunts is guaranteed to provide hours of amusement for you (and potentially go viral on social media).

Large Persian Cat Walking to the Camera
Stalking Persian Cat (Image by Anil Sharma, Pixabay)


A cat tower isn’t just an optional accessory—it’s a feline necessity. It enriches your cat’s environment, promotes physical activity, and offers endless opportunities for relaxation and play. So, whether you’re a first-time cat owner or a seasoned cat enthusiast, invest in a cat tower today! It’s the ultimate luxury and entertainment—fit for a furry king or queen!

Your cat will thank you with purrs, head bumps, and possibly a few less scratched-up belongings. It’s a small price to pay for the happiness and well-being of your beloved furball!

Disclaimer: No kitties were harmed in making this blog post, but they did have the time of their life!

Tiny Dog Pet Supplies Logo
Blue two story cat tower with cats playing
Two-Story Kitty Tower in Denim (Available at

Tiny Dog Pet Supplies
is your one-stop shop for all things “dog” (AND “cat”) under one WOOF and MEOW!

Tiny Dog has affordable kitty towers to keep your favorite feline engaged for hours (like the one pictured on the left with two stories)!

How can we help you?
Feel free to call us at 423-726-2313,
or email Myra at
or Kevin at today!

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